Chinmay Tamboli

Diabetes aware Society- A “Sweet” society

I am not going to mention any statistical data of how many people across the world suffer from diabetes or the reasons of getting diabetes! Off course those are important things to know too. But this blog is a message for each and every single reader reading this blog, a diabetic or be it a non-diabetic. While it is very important to mention that we have mainly two types of diabetes which are type 1 and type 2. My inclination is mainly towards type 1, in layman’s words diabetics who need to take insulin injections, mostly observed in children and teenagers. In recent years there has been vast growth in children suffering from type 1 diabetes. Rather than saying “Suffering from diabetes” I would like to correct myself instead saying “Facing the challenge of diabetes”.

So, is diabetes a challenge? I hope the answer would come as a big “yes”. But the challenge gets tougher when you go into economically weaker sections of our society. For instance , a father working as a security guard for some society and a mother washing utensils in the same, whose basics needs ought to be just food, with basic clothing and somehow manageable shelter , gets to know their kid has something called type 1 diabetes? Can u feel how dreadful the situation gets? And here’s where the challenge gets tougher for a kid, for parents, for doctor and the welfare organisations too! The challenge for a kid to understand why the bloody hell I need to prick each time I eat? The challenge for parents to arrange some financial as well as mental strength, to know what exactly our child has got! The challenge for a doctor to educate them. Last but not the least a challenge for welfare organisations to find out such families and educate them. I would like to tell all my readers that, the example mentioned is not just a hypothetical thought to add on a paragraph to my writing, but a true one- to best of my knowledge and experience.

The example I have mentioned above is just to take you all to the core of this issue. There are many such examples to mention. So why am I stating this for? For some financial assistance? For any of my personal advantage? No! But to take u all to the proximity of diabetes aware society. By diabetes aware society I don’t just mean to nudge someone with diabetes continuously “Please don’t eat sugar or sweets” but to provide all sort of assistance he/she needs. May be a sound advice on his/her career, may be some motivating words that would lift him/her up, or may just few words that would ease one. That’s all is needed. A help to a poor diabetic does not every time mean that you need to take all his expenses and failing to do that leave the matter at same stage! It would also do if you just him/her to certain NGO’s.You may not know, but may be you have saved some one’s life!
The task is off course a little bitter one to start with! But its destination is really going to be a sweet one. Some things are meant beyond money! Some things are just to be felt, to be understood, to make some one’s life worth living. I request all our readers to take initiative, come forward and help us building a diabetes aware society – may be a “sweet” society just to be precise.

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